About Me: "Wakiya" (Thunder)
I am a Tribal, Musician, Writer, Artist. I try to walk the path and have studied the tradition of the "Wisdom keepers" like Lame Deer, Fools Crow, Black Elk, and Rolling Thunder from the tribes of this region, and Lao Tzu, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Yeshua, and other enlightened ones from the many various tribes of the earth. I understand the worlds religions and belief systems, and realize the division this can cause by the lack of understanding the "real message" from the Masters. My intention, and life's prayer is to try to live in harmony with Grandmother Earth, Grandfather sky, (Nature) and "the spirit that moves in all things," and help in any way I can to build a bridge between all men and tribes so they can walk their path in a manner that will benefit themselves, the Earth and others. I open up, and ask Great Spirit, The creator, The Tao, The Universe, to work and direct healing and positive energy through me by different means, like the Flute, drums, Words, Prayer, and Touch. I try to be loving and accept others from the heart, and practice forgiveness. I honor all people, the winged one's, and four legged ones considering us all equal, not one being above another. I honor the bountiful Harvest from Mother earth in the form of plant life, water, air and herbs which sustain our oneness with her. I pray all tribes should re-unite as one, so we may protect the planet and live in harmony. Within you, without you.

Mitakuye Oyasin
( all my relations)


More On the Gospel O Thomas

Original scroll of Thomas

In 1945 twelve ancient books were found inside a sealed jar at the base of an Egyptian cliff. One of those texts was the Gospel of Thomas,
One of the most important religious archaeological discoveries of the twentieth century. While illuminating the origins of Christianity, it raises the question whether the New testament version of Jesus teachings is entirely accurate and complete.
Written at the same time as the canonical gospels, the gospel of Thomas portrays Jesus as a wisdom loving sage. The aphoristic sayings emphasize the value of the present, teaching that the kingdom of god is here and now, rather than a future promise or future threat. It presents a new way of looking at the challenging and intriguing figure of Jesus, and reminds us that the divine can be found right here on earth.

Taoist and native American thought believe that the spirit moves in all things, and that what you call god moves or is an active part of all natural creation. Thus the kingdom that people so fervently search for is something that may be unseen. The Tao is unseen but the manifestations are evident. The Kingdom may have to do with a frame of mind touched upon by the mystics. Most people are blind to certain facts which enable them to see the real truth of the matter. This is something that has to be gained and felt through meditation and spiritual practices.

In my belief Jesus or Yeshua was exposed to many traditions and practices. It is said he traveled to Egypt. I think this is referred to in the regular Canonical gospels of "The Bible." Funny that these scrolls were discovered in Egypt, and are described as The Nag Hammadi find. This book of Thomas is one of the books that is studied world over by biblical scholars. It is not pure Gnostic but has elements of Gnostic or "hidden" thought.

The gospel of Thomas may very well have been one of the books discarded by emperor Constantine when he authorized only certain books to be included in the bible that we have today. This was done to control thought regarding divinity and whether or not it could be within us as well as outside.

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