About Me: "Wakiya" (Thunder)
I am a Tribal, Musician, Writer, Artist. I try to walk the path and have studied the tradition of the "Wisdom keepers" like Lame Deer, Fools Crow, Black Elk, and Rolling Thunder from the tribes of this region, and Lao Tzu, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Yeshua, and other enlightened ones from the many various tribes of the earth. I understand the worlds religions and belief systems, and realize the division this can cause by the lack of understanding the "real message" from the Masters. My intention, and life's prayer is to try to live in harmony with Grandmother Earth, Grandfather sky, (Nature) and "the spirit that moves in all things," and help in any way I can to build a bridge between all men and tribes so they can walk their path in a manner that will benefit themselves, the Earth and others. I open up, and ask Great Spirit, The creator, The Tao, The Universe, to work and direct healing and positive energy through me by different means, like the Flute, drums, Words, Prayer, and Touch. I try to be loving and accept others from the heart, and practice forgiveness. I honor all people, the winged one's, and four legged ones considering us all equal, not one being above another. I honor the bountiful Harvest from Mother earth in the form of plant life, water, air and herbs which sustain our oneness with her. I pray all tribes should re-unite as one, so we may protect the planet and live in harmony. Within you, without you.

Mitakuye Oyasin
( all my relations)


Qigong exercise "arm swinging"

Qigong practioners (young and old) in the park..these exercises (shown in park photo's) are different then the ones described below so as not to confuse.

"Arm Swinging"

This exercise has the same posture and details as the previous exercise "The Tree." The only difference is that your arms are hanging loose at your side with your elbows and wrists slightly bent, and the word is slightly. This is just enough to let the chi flow. Slowly swing your arms back and forth (front to back) in unison like a pendulum. You need not use a lot of force, it's almost like the momentum is swinging your arms by themselves. Like I say everything else as far as posture, breathing, relaxation, feet position, etc. is the same. The key word is relaxation. As your arms swing let the tension go with each exhale of breath. Pretend like your a little child just happily swinging their arms. Remember to keep your knees just slightly bent.


Begin with feet firmly planted, shoulder-width apart. Rotate, turning left to right from the hips. Arms hang limply at sides; but they start swinging horizontally as your body turns from side to side. Leading from hips, not from shoulders. Some people let their hands slap their kidneys and lungs (hand swinging to rear slaps kidneys while hand swinging to front slaps lungs) in a whipping type motion as they complete a swing in one direction. This calls chi to the area.
Breathing: Breathe consciously, in and out through the nose. Use deep, low belly breaths from the diaphragm.

If you have any questions and need clarification, feel free to e-mail me by clicking on my profile and using my e-mail.

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