About Me: "Wakiya" (Thunder)
I am a Tribal, Musician, Writer, Artist. I try to walk the path and have studied the tradition of the "Wisdom keepers" like Lame Deer, Fools Crow, Black Elk, and Rolling Thunder from the tribes of this region, and Lao Tzu, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Yeshua, and other enlightened ones from the many various tribes of the earth. I understand the worlds religions and belief systems, and realize the division this can cause by the lack of understanding the "real message" from the Masters. My intention, and life's prayer is to try to live in harmony with Grandmother Earth, Grandfather sky, (Nature) and "the spirit that moves in all things," and help in any way I can to build a bridge between all men and tribes so they can walk their path in a manner that will benefit themselves, the Earth and others. I open up, and ask Great Spirit, The creator, The Tao, The Universe, to work and direct healing and positive energy through me by different means, like the Flute, drums, Words, Prayer, and Touch. I try to be loving and accept others from the heart, and practice forgiveness. I honor all people, the winged one's, and four legged ones considering us all equal, not one being above another. I honor the bountiful Harvest from Mother earth in the form of plant life, water, air and herbs which sustain our oneness with her. I pray all tribes should re-unite as one, so we may protect the planet and live in harmony. Within you, without you.

Mitakuye Oyasin
( all my relations)


Urim and Thummim / Biblical Divination?

Urim and Thummim, generally translated as "lights and perfections" or "revelation and truth" were a scrying medium or divination process used by ancient Hebrews (usually Israelites) in revealing the will of God on a contested point of view or other problem. According to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, they were also used to translate ancient manuscripts, including The Book of Mormon however, their recorded use by Joseph Smith, Jr. is not in conjunction with their recorded historical use by the Hebrews.

According to the teachings of Judaism, a small parchment with God's holy name, the Tetragrammaton, inscribed on it was slipped into an opening under the Urim and Thummim on the high priest's breast plate, which caused the breastplate to "glow" and thereby "transmit messages" from God to the Children of Israel.

The Urim and Thummim is also thought to be a Hebrew oracular device, used in the following manner: "The twelve stones in the breastplate, with their bright colors, were of great importance in the oracular sentences of the high priest, who by means of these stones made the Urim and Thummim exercise their functions" according to Ginzberg's Legends of the Jews.

Some scholars have suggested "the" Urim and Thummim consists of two crystals; however, the precise nature of the medium is unknown to most secular scholars. According to the Hebrew Bible, stones used for "an" Urim and Thummim were kept in the breastplate of Aaron, the brother of Moses.

Comment by Thunderhands: Its Amazing to me that this method of divination is based on a yin yang type process similar to the I ching. I can't help wonder why Divination is condemned in some parts of the bible, but clearly used by the High priests (as described above) to receive answers from the higher power, or their god Yahweh. Did other Israelites use this method or was this permissible for only the priestly class and why? This process seems to be shrouded in mystery or hidden. I will continue to research this matter, and if anyone cares to comment I am open to it.


Jun Zi said...

I have wondered often if the i ching (which i use for a spiritual practice in the manner of jun zi) is related to the urim and thummim. Moses was said to have been trained in magick, which would include divination. Perhaps links could be uncovered by one interested in such research. I would not be surprised to find there is a connection.

"Wakiya" (Thunder) said...

The I-ching is the oldest Oracle on earth, as far as I know. The urim and Thummin is of Jewish origin and is most likley unrelated. It's funny that there are Biblical injunctions against the use of divination. This seems contradictory. Was the practice of this form of divination just for a privileged few? Another question that deserves to be answered.

Angi's Adventures said...

Any follow up research on this topic? I am interested....