About Me: "Wakiya" (Thunder)
I am a Tribal, Musician, Writer, Artist. I try to walk the path and have studied the tradition of the "Wisdom keepers" like Lame Deer, Fools Crow, Black Elk, and Rolling Thunder from the tribes of this region, and Lao Tzu, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Yeshua, and other enlightened ones from the many various tribes of the earth. I understand the worlds religions and belief systems, and realize the division this can cause by the lack of understanding the "real message" from the Masters. My intention, and life's prayer is to try to live in harmony with Grandmother Earth, Grandfather sky, (Nature) and "the spirit that moves in all things," and help in any way I can to build a bridge between all men and tribes so they can walk their path in a manner that will benefit themselves, the Earth and others. I open up, and ask Great Spirit, The creator, The Tao, The Universe, to work and direct healing and positive energy through me by different means, like the Flute, drums, Words, Prayer, and Touch. I try to be loving and accept others from the heart, and practice forgiveness. I honor all people, the winged one's, and four legged ones considering us all equal, not one being above another. I honor the bountiful Harvest from Mother earth in the form of plant life, water, air and herbs which sustain our oneness with her. I pray all tribes should re-unite as one, so we may protect the planet and live in harmony. Within you, without you.

Mitakuye Oyasin
( all my relations)


Chuang Tzu / suffering

Chuang Tzu did not treat suffering as the major issue of life...as it was for Buddha...as it was for Jesus. Buddha came to solve the problem of suffering, of which Jesus came to make a redemptive use. For Chuang Tzu suffering is a mishandling of life; the problem of suffering is itself a mistake. Suffering is not to be solved but to be let be, to dissolve of itself, as snow in the spring sun of our right living. To live rightly is neither living redemptively (Jesus) nor living enlightenedly (Buddha), but living appropriately, that is, fittingly to the changing climate of things, now soaring, now roaming - and that is Chuang Tzu's central concern. Myths in most civilizations usually have the heroes undergoing suffering so as to solve it and live "happily ever after," not before or during the story. Myths...in Chuang Tzu's writing are themselves moving images of happiness amidst suffering, happiness that is as nonchalant as animals and trees.

The essence of suffering is violence, which includes (for Chuang Tzu) violence against oneself, such as "morality." Chuang Tzu would say that violence originates in opposition, including opposition to one's natural tendencies, one's spontaneity. The way to oppose suffering and violence, thus, is to "oppose opposition"...

In fact, whatever comes is recognized as "violence" only when we oppose it. To deal with it we go along with it - this is the weapon that deals a death blow to violence.

Words can be born of and dwell in the situation; if we let them speak out from the bottom of our hearts, they will echo the situation. And we follow their lead to go with the winds of this world... at home in the inevitables (what cannot be helped). To follow oneself is to be spontaneous (what one cannot help but be).
-- Kuang-ming Wu, The Butterfly as Companion

This really strikes a chord with me. -Thunder

1 comment:

rudi said...

I like the simplicity with which you present this idea... seems appropriately non-biased... thanks!...