The Taoist warrior, speaks only to guide.
The Taoist warrior, prefers silence because
his guidance often falls on deaf ears, and so he leads by example. The Taoist warrior realizes the sword of no sword.
The Taoist warrior cares not for the mundane and trivial
of which most of the world is comprised, excepting nature.
The Taoist warrior realizes that concepts of right and wrong
are just that, concepts. The Taoist warrior cuts to the core without touching the bone. The Taoist warrior is not concerned with morality and right and wrong, because one mans right is another man's wrong, and one mans morality is another mans immorality. The Taoist warrior realizes the past and future are a foggy mist that can't be grasped. The Taoist warrior realizes all wars and enemies are generated from within. The Taoist warrior answers to no one, but walks with the Tao, which doesn't require answers, or assign blame. The Taoist Warrior realizes guilt, fear, and anger are a figment of the mind generated by earthly concepts and conditioning. The Taoist warrior prefers nature and living alone. The Taoist warrior, is a spiritual warrior and a spiritual man. The Taoist warrior is perfect in that he is not perfect according to the ways of the world. The Taoist warrior is a traveler and wanderer, within and without. The Taoist warrior is often mistaken for having a cold heart, because he realizes detachment is true compassion, for self and others. The Taoist warrior is a calling few can comprehend, for how can the Tao be comprehended. The Taoist warrior doesn't comprehend, the Taoist warrior just is. The Taoist warrior realizes that he doesn't know, and that not knowing is the way of realization. The Taoist warrior, can seem like a contradiction to others, for all things change and he flows with the change. This is called walking with the Tao!
-Lei Shou
thank you for sharing this!
Thank you!
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